I’ve had a mental past few days.
I’m so tired I won’t spend a lot of time talking about it now, but suffice to say, it’s a miracle that I managed to cram in everything I did between Thursday and Tuesday. A full block of uni assignments, an essay, a scene for my new play, two full rehearsals for a show, work, my appraisal, a council meeting, a committee meeting, and an addition 10 hours of study.
It’s all at the expense of sleep, of course; had it been this time last year when my insomnia was at its height and I was participating in the sleep research program, I would probably have been fine – 2 hours a night I could cope with back then! Today, however, I’m absolutely shattered.
I came across a blog posting that really inspired and motivated me yesterday – I’ll share it tomorrow when I have a fresh head on.
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